Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1065
10 Effective Performance Tools for 21st Century Managers
(International Journal of Professional Management, 2011)- -
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
Agama Katolik (SAP 1)
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
Agama Katolik (SAP 2)
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
Akuntansi Biaya
(2014-09-12) -
Akuntansi Forensik & Audit Investigasi
(Perbanas Institute, 2018-10-31) -
Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan I
(2016-08) -
Akuntansi Manajemen EKA 4040
(2014-09-12) -
(Perbanas Institute, 2012) -
akutansi keuangan menengah
(2016) -
Aligning IT with Business Model to Perform Organizational Capabilities in Achieving Business Performance
(Science Publication (, 2014-12)Information technology (IT) is becoming an important driver fro organization to perform an organizational capability. Even IT is an important driver, it is not the only one. IT should be aligned with business model to ... -
ALIGNMENT: New BPR=Bank Perekonomian Rakyat
(Economic Review, 2014-01)Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) memiliki peran baru di era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean sebagai bank perekonomian rakyat. Hal ini terkait dengan situsi permasalahan yang kompleks dan dinamis (fuzzy problem). UNtuk itu perlu ... -
Alternatif Perhitungan RBC (Risk Based Capital) Upaya Menjaga Daya Saing Perusahaan Reasuransi Syariah
(Jurnal BMR, 2011-12)RBC is used to measure the performance of insurance company, (shariah or conventional). RBC is one of the insurance company tools to keep its competitive advantage. Based on 424/ KMK.06/2003 the minimum RBC for insurance ... -
Analisa Tarif Layanan Kesehatan BPJS Kesehatan (INA-CBGS) dan Efisiensi Layanan Tahun 2017
(Jurnal Riset Perbankan Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2018-01)This study is classified as ethnographic research is a typeof research that is qualitative in assessing a problem. This study is in-depth and the researchers directly tangent to the problems studied by ... -
ANALISIS BERIKLAN TERHADAP BRAND IMAGE BANK (Studi kasus pada bank BNI'46, bank Mandiri, bank BCA, dan bank Lippo)
(Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “ Veteran” Yogyakarta, 2014-05-29)This purpose of this reseach is to analyze the correlation between bank advertising and brand image in four banks which use television, newspaper, and magazine. They use the questioner to obtain the primary data. The result ...