Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Memahami Pandangan Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Ekonomi Konvensional
(El-Hikmah, 2011-10)
Ilmu Ekonomi Islam dapat difahami sebagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang membantu mewujudkan kesejahteraan manusia melalui alokasi dan distribusi sumber daya sesuai dengan maqashid syar’i, tanpa mengekang kebebasan individu ...
Equipping Our Students in Welcoming IR 4.0 Era
(Tosca Jaya Indonesia, 2019-02)
Nowadays, the world is witnessing an unprecedented technology advancement of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) that changes the business landscape. In this vein, the digital and physical technologies are combined ...
Memahami Pandangan Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Ekonomi Konvensional
(Jurnal El-Hikmah, 2011)
Symbolic Meaning and Consumers’ Response to the Ads with the Theme of Cultural Diversity
(Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research, 2009-07-06)
The theme of unity of the nation is the interests of all elements of the Indonesian people that consists of many different ethnics and cultures. Indonesian state symbol has motto: diversity in unity. Indomie, one of the ...
Tax compliance and procedural fairness in SME
(International Journal of Economics and Research, 2019-07)
Although SME's is one sector that contributes greatly to GDB, the low level of tax compliance makes the amount of tax revenues from this sector still low. This study aims to analyse the interaction power of authority and ...
Symbolic Meaning and Consumers’ Response to the Ads with the Theme of Cultural Diversity
(Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research, 2009-07)
The theme of unity of the nation is the interests of all elements of the Indonesian people that consists of many different ethnics and cultures. Indonesian state symbol has motto: diversity in unity. Indomie, one of the ...
Perbandingan Strategi Pembangunan Antara Indonesia dengan China
(Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya, 2012-07)
Mengenali Kontribusi Ibnu Khaldun terhadap Pemikiran Ekonomi
(Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah Amwaluna, 2009-01)
Para sarjana Barat umumnya gagal megenali kontribusi umat Islam dalam ilmu pengetahuan. Mereka menyebutkan adanya "jurang besar (the great gap)" pengetahuan selama lebih dari 500 tahun dalam sejarah pemikiran ekonomi, mulai ...
Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Syariah dengan Perbankan Konvensional
(EKBISI Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2012)
Integritas Akademik dalam Membangun SDM Profesional di Perguruan Tinggi: Kasus Academic Dishonesty STIE Perbanas
(Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK) dan Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan lndonesia (ISPI), 2007-02)
This article reviews the academic integrity at STIE Perbanas based on the case of academic dishonesty having occurred at the institution. Kohlberg's concepts of stages in moral development are used to highlight the case ...