pengaruh atmosfer toko dan promosi penjualan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan centro departement store di the plaza semanggi
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Astuti, Wiji Sri
Wahyuningsih, Erna
Winarti, Ch. Endah
Yatna, Chicilia Nova
Show full item recordAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the influence of the atmosphere and store sales promotion on customer loyalty Centro Department Store in The Plaza Semanggi either partially or simultaneously .The population in this study was the visitors Centro Department Store in The Plaza Semanggi. Sampel this study consist of 100 respondent. Data collection used with the questionnaire. Based on the results of analysis store atmospheric variables have a significant effect on customer loyalty Centro Department Store in The Plaza Semanggi .Sales promotion variables have a significant effect on customer loyalty Centro Department Store in The Plaza Semanggi . Based on the results obtained by the F test results and store atmospheric variables simultaneously sales promotion has a significant influence on customer loyalty Centro Department Store in The Plaza Semanggi . Based on the results of the study , the researchers gave suggestions to the management of Centro Department Store in The Plaza Semanggi to enhance the exterior design of the store, product structuring and bonuses in the form of the same product if you do purchase a particular product .