Dividend Policy is connected to the problem in determining income, on the one hand, for its shareholders in the form of dividends or for retained earnings, on the other hand. This has caused some controversies. This study aims to analyze how far some factors influence the Dividend Payout Ratio in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a sample of 12 companies listed on the Indonesia stock Exchane in 2007-2009 period. The research method used multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing, F test for simultaneous test and T test for the partial test. The results showed that partially Debt to Total Assets, Cash Ratio, Institutional Ownership, and Growth significantly influence Dividend Payout Ratio. Meanwhile, Size and Return On Asset variables do not significantly influence Dividend Payout Ratio. Simultaneously, the six variables with 19,70 percent contribution of independent variables significantly influence the Dividend Payout Ratio.