Data Security Improvement With Cropping Selection Pseudorandom Encryption Method
Data security is a very important thing to be considered at every activity related to confidential data or are limited to a particular community. The data relating to sensitive information and valuable would be at risk if accessed by unauthorized people. In the banking world a lot of customer data that must be protected and carefully considered the safety factor like e-banking, sms banking, internet banking, etc. One of the ways to improve data security with cryptography. This cryptographic technique used to perform the encryption and decryption of data, convert or transform data into a code specific code. This is done so that the information stored and transmitted over the network most safely, for example via the Internet. This technique more safety because it can’t be read by anyone except by those who are entitled. This study aims to improve data security with encryption security method Cropping Selection Pseudorandom. The advantage of this encryption technique that uses encryption algorithm is very light but safe in the sense that the results of the encryption can hide the original data into a form that is difficult to translate. Another thing that makes this a very safe method of encryption is the process of random or random algorithm so that it becomes difficult to predict and dismantled.