The Influence of Marketing Communication Mix Elements of Perbanas Institute to Communication Effects
The increasing numbers of Private universities in Indonesia are not as well as the prospect numbers
who want to continue their studies in universities. It is shown by the increasing number of new private
universities every year. Therefore this study aims to give an alternative solution for private universities
to determine which element of Marketing Communication Mix can be used and has a high influence to
communication effect. This study was conducted in Perbanas Institute. The number of population is
1010 that comprises Diploma, Bachelor degree Majoring: Accounting and Management. Unit analyses
of this study is individual, there are 150 students of 2011 batch students. This study is conducted using
quantitative approach with survey method. Data collection was obtained by using questionnaires, the
score range is from 1-5. In order to test the validity, the researcher used f analysis factor. Cronbach’s
Alpha is used to measure the Reliability.The result of validity and reliability test shows the reduction of
instrument’s indicators from 59 to 54. F test shows that the calculated result is higher than t- table,
0.000 for level of significance. T- test shows there is a significant influence among advertising,
Marketing Events, WOM to Cognitive response. Marketing Events had a great correlation to cognitive.
However, those variables in promotional mix (advertising, Sales promotion, Marketing Events, and
WOM) have great influence to Affective response. It is shown by the result of t-test (0.000 for level of
significant). For the conative response, R square shows 0.259. It means that only 25.9% promotional
mix variables influence the psychomotor response. Only WOM has highest level of significant among
others. Based on the overall study’s result it can be stated that Perbanas Institute must create a new
design of sales promotion to affect the communication effect: affective. In addition Perbanas Institute
has to improve its facilities since WOM has a great influence to communication effect: psychomotor.
Therefore, the marketing team of private universities is expected to determine which Marketing
Communication mix element that must be enhanced and find the most suitable marketing strategy that
can be implemented to promote its university.